Dec 04, 2014 Categories: Newsroom Tags: Branding, Business Development, Public Relations

“It’s not about making products better for bigger brands. That’s assumed. It’s making the company an interesting place to write about for media, to work at for staff, and to be engaged with for customers.”

-Alex Stanton

 An important aspect of our work is helping clients express their viewpoints as real  thought leaders in their sectors. We apply this thinking to ourselves as well, and we work to lead and shape the conversation about the changing impact of integrated and strategic communications in the business world today.

Our CEO, Alex Stanton, recently participated in a roundtable discussion, organized by a leading industry publication, on “Communications and Enterprise Value”. Alex and other prominent corporate communicators in the industry took a critical look at the role public relations plays today and how it connects image, reputation, market leadership, and stock price. The interrelationship has never been stronger.

There is unquestionably a lot of clutter out there, and on this Alex noted:

“…a simple and pointed message is so powerful. If you enter a new market and you don’t have all that clutter that can often make communications more complicated, you can present your value proposition in a very simple, straightforward way.

You can read the full roundtable discussion PR Week.